Saturday, November 15, 2008

Spam alert!

This post is of high importance and will contain minimal sarcasm, possibly even zero sarcasm.

The spam I refer to is not from the outside. Instead it is one of our co-authors who decided to contaminate our dear NSB. It has always been our nature to stick to principles and not break them, whatever the circumstances. But the post on Chromotron came in as a major shock to me! The rules that he so blatantly broke are:

1. Every post must contain as much evil as is possible. The only evil word in his post was 'dark'. Simply unacceptable.

2. All posts must be very different from other posts. The usage of must...blah, must...blahblah and must...more blahblahblah is getting ridiculous.

3. Death, evil, must...kill, idiot, Dodo

4. Every post must be useless. Useful posts can go to or or

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