Friday, October 3, 2008

NSB History (And a sign of things to come...)

As I'm sure you're aware, NSB recruits only the very best of the best non-sarcastic, non-idiotic, and incorruptibly evil, and demands their very best (read most non-sarcastic, non-idiotic and purely evil work) from them. Yet, despite our best efforts to maintain our lofty standards, the vile evil that is mediocrity (by that we mean good, saintly stuff) seems to have slithered its tentacles amidst us, defiling (by purifying) all our evil thoughts before we get them onto the blog. Therefore, it is with great regret that I must release the Awesomeness! Figures for this quarter (quarter of what, I'm not really sure, but the chart was too cool to hold back).

As you can clearly see, the Awesomeness! of our posts have been steadily declining, and we attribute this to the intense joy of unrestricted consumerism, that have infected our blogging team because of the high salaries earned by their alter egos. This proves, once again, that money is NOT the root of all evil, rather it CAN buy happiness. That's certainly not a good thing (not evil is never good) and we'll try our best in the future by spending it off quickly and never possessing too much of it at any given time.

Yes, a few posts do stand much above the others, and they will always serve as beacons, radiating evil/non-sarcasm/non-idiocy in our goody-goody universe!

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