Sunday, October 5, 2008

We may have a mole

Dear NSB readers,

It is with great sadness that I inform you, that NSB may not be the pure evil we intended it to be. While it is true that we are way more evil than our nearest competitors ( and, we seem to have a cross between a mole and a weasel amongst us. We at NSB require only one trait - the ability to say, think and do evil. Also, we're extremely picky about the species we choose to recruit. We have no problem with evil men, evil monkeys, evil pandas, evil cows and other evil beings of otherwise peaceful species.

So when we recruited Thngz as an evil monkey, we never questioned him about his background and past, simply because he was pure evil and such talent is hard to come by these days. However, recent events have brought to light facts that we couldn't have imagined even in our most evil dreams (Not even after being completely blood drunk)

Our investigations indicate that the weasel-mole has been trying his best to join other wannabe evil companies by trying to discredit other prominent NSB members. The recent graph published on NSB was the nail in the coffin. Our sleuths then tailed Thngz to investigate possible motives. What they subsequently found was shocking and we would like to warn you of the graphic content of the following parts of this message. It is highly suitable for kids below 18 years of age. Adults, please step back.

Apparently, Thngz did all this to get ahead in his career. Thngz confessed to a dame that he felt he wasn't evil enough to compete with the rest of NSB and hence he tried getting a job with Evilsoft by leaking well protected NSB secrets to them. We have received information that his reward would have been the following luxurious office ...

Thngz's real identity was exposed when we sent one of our best photographers to ask him to pose and show the camera his inner self. Thngz gladly obliged and this was the photo that was taken.

We like evil, but a mole pretending to be evil is, in fact good, and that is by no means acceptable. So our elite crime fighting force got to work and I am happy to inform you that we have flushed out all the good from the mole (We couldn't flush out the mole simply because his potential to do evil is simply too great)

However, all is not lost. To quote our mentor Dr Evil, "Where there is evil, there are many ways". The flushmolotherapy seems to be working and thngz seems to be losing his weasel mole attributes and whatever that is good in him has been purged forever. Here's wishing him a speedy recovery.

Feed from Weasel-o-matic
Also, we at NSB pledge never to let mishaps like this happen ever again, for it questions the core processes of our esteemed organization and casts serious doubts over our ability to satisfy our customers with the top quality they have come to expect from us

Just to show you the progress Thngz has been making, here is a latest photo of Thngz

We know he looks a bit off colour, but he's showing great improvement and very soon, things will be back to normal in Blogsville.

1 comment:

Call it Red Frisbee said...

Haha, a Legend of the River King picture reference. Nice.